Sperm Testing

canine fertility & breeding services


Sperm viewed under microscope and accurate sperm count.

Sperm testing is very useful for unproven males who are reaching sexual maturity, to ensure they are producing good quality and quantity of sperm. Often males are offered fee free to the first female in order to prove their fertility and by sperm testing, we eliminate the need for this. It is also invaluable to a working stud dog to have his sperm assessed periodically. Testing sperm can alert us to a potential problem, such as infection or unusual low sperm count, so the issue can be dealt with as soon as it presents itself before it affects the male’s ongoing fertility.

Sperm testing should ideally be done with a teaser bitch present (a bitch in season). Not having a teaser bitch present can have a dramatic impact on the quality of collection.

Analysis is subjective to the conditions on the day - the male’s willingness to being handled, sexual arousal (hence the need for a teaser bitch) and his general health.

Only the sperm rich fraction is collected and viewed under microscope for mobility and form, and an accurate sperm count given in millions per ml.

Advice will be given to enhance sperm if necessary.

Our Breed Right Canine and Fertility Breeding sperm testing service is £25 per test.

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