canine fertility & breeding services


Ultrasound scan to confirm pregnancy.

Ultrasound scan is a procedure that uses high frequency sound waves, which bounce off different parts of the body and the probe converts them into an image.

Ultrasound scans are best performed from 28-35 days after the first mating. Scans will confirm a pregnancy and give an idea of the litter size - although it is difficult to give a completely accurate count due to the position of puppies in the uterine horns. Measurement can be carried out to give an estimated due date, and this is intended as a guide.

A repeat scan at a later date might be recommended if partial or complete reabsorption of a litter is suspected, or if any unusual discharge is witnessed during the pregnancy.

Our Breed Right Canine and Fertility Breeding pregnancy scanning service is £20.

Breed Right Canine Fertility Services & Dragonborn French Bulldogs Osha with her French Bulldog Dragonborn Puppies.
Breed Right Canine Fertility Services & Dragonborn French Bulldogs Raxe with her French Bulldog Dragonborn Puppies.