
canine fertility & breeding services


Microchipping and registration for dogs & puppies, cats & kittens and other small mammals.

Since April 2016, all dogs in England, Scotland and Wales must be microchipped by law. The microchip must be registered on one of the Government approved databases. If it is not, you could be fined £500.

All puppies must be microchipped and registered by the age of 8 weeks, with few exceptions. By law, the breeder should be the first registered keeper.

It is not required by law at this time for cats to be microchipped - although it is hugely beneficial if your cat should go missing and gives them the best chance of being identified and returned to you.

We stock microchips from Animal Tracker and Smartchip. Each database is fully compliant with current legislation and DEFRA approved. Registration is done for you and transfer to new owners is FREE. Microchipping can be done on dogs, cats and small mammals such as rabbits, ferrets and guinea pigs, and a basic care sheet is provided.

Once microchipped, it is important that you keep your contact details up to date to give your pet the best chance of identification and safe return.

Our Breed Right Canine Fertility & Breeding Microchipping service is £8 per microchip for individual pets, and £7 per microchip for litters. Highly cost effective and no extra charge to transfer new owner details.

Breed Right Canine Fertility & Breeding Services Microchipping a French Bulldog Puppy.
Pet Microchip, The Smartchip.